Company: Zynga
Game: Battlestone
Project: On the BattleStone team I was in charge of modeling and laying out the UVs for the Ice Brute, Fire Archer, the Beast Grunt & Mage, the Bomb Goblin, Shield Goblin, Axe Goblin, and Brute Goblin, and edited the Fire Brute and Ice Archer.
Programs Used:
Maya, Headus UVLayout, Photoshop
Game: Battlestone
Project: On the BattleStone team I was in charge of modeling and laying out the UVs for the Ice Brute, Fire Archer, the Beast Grunt & Mage, the Bomb Goblin, Shield Goblin, Axe Goblin, and Brute Goblin, and edited the Fire Brute and Ice Archer.
Programs Used:
Maya, Headus UVLayout, Photoshop
Promotional Screens/ Game Play: